Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Pub called "The Local"

I shit you not, I thought how cool it would be to have a non-profit pub.  A charitable Public House.

And I googled it to discover a month prior in Oregon this had been accomplished.  Neato.

But beyond the scope of giving to the likes of the American Red Cross or Cancer association, ...
what about doing even more local?

I think of the Too Big to Fail and Easier to Hide Corruption (through the likes of bank VPs) and there becomes a few bad apples in the big barns.  Watching local community beautification efforts come to light is much more satisfying and local. 
I mentioned the big banks matter because I thought breaking up the banks into right-sized regional credit unions would've been more appropriate and accountable to matters such as inflation.

Imagine a bar & grill that pays

For youth sports equipment.  Small "flash" flower gardens on blighted vacant lots.  Mulch on an old lady's property.  Soup for soup kitchens.  And on and on.  Your menu includes your desired dollar destination.  Go Fund Thee.

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